Upgradeable Features & Accessories for a Dental Microscope
Over the years, advanced dental technologies have affected the way dentistry is performed. New technologies can detect problems earlier, improve the ways certain procedures are performed and offer greater accuracy, precision and comfort. Manufacturers of all different types of dental equipment are constantly looking for new ways to innovate and improve the technologies you rely on to make caring for your patients more efficient and effective.
The Advantages of a Multifocal Lens
Magnification is making big waves in dentistry. Over 25 years ago, dental microscopy was still an emerging technology, primarily associated with assisting endodontic procedures such as root canals. Today, more and more general practitioners are “seeing” the benefits of a dental microscope in their practice, both for clinical and ergonomic purposes as well as significant visual enhancements for restorative cases and other detailed procedures.
Dental Magnification & Illumination
In the field of dentistry, vision is everything. Obviously, you cannot treat what you cannot see. Your ability to visualize the fine details of your patients’ anatomy is definitely improved by the use of a microscope during clinical procedures. However, most dentists only think of magnification when it comes to the integration of microscopy into their practice. The improved illumination a dental microscope provides can be just as important.
Comparing Dental Microscope Warranties
As with most major purchases, your dental microscope (regardless of manufacturer) should include warranty coverage. Sometimes, you have to do quite a bit of digging to...
Leasing vs Buying a Dental Microscope: How to Finance Dental Equipment
As a dental professional, you want the very best tools and equipment so you can provide the best patient care possible. Chances are, you’re familiar with many types of dental technologies that have been developed over the last few decades, designed specifically to make your work more effective and efficient.
How Much Does a Dental Microscope Cost?
When dentists and dental specialists speak with us about investing in a dental microscope for their practice, the conversation invariably turns to cost. After all, you want your purchase to be the best value for your money. And, it’s important that you’re getting all of the details regarding included features, warranty, and accessories in order to make an apples-to-apples comparison of the different brands and models available.
Dental Loupes Versus Microscope: 5 Key Categories
Dentistry has seen many innovations over the years, from the introduction of film radiography to today’s 3D digital imaging technologies. In the last couple of decades, magnification has grown in popularity among dental and specialty practices, allowing clinicians improved visualization compared to the naked eye.
Top 5 Uses for a Dental Microscope
As a dental professional, you are probably somewhat familiar with dental microscopes – after all, this technology has been around for several decades. In fact, the American Association of Endodontists was an early advocate for microscopy in dentistry back in 1998, when we were starting to build our first generation microscopes.