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Sean Ryan

Sean Ryan currently serves as the Eastern Sales Director for Global Surgical. He’s been working with Global microscopes nearly since the foundation of the company, making Global his home since 1997. With over 30 years in the dental industry, Sean’s knowledge runs deep, helping our customers get the best possible experience and driving value.

ergonomic dental chair

Ergonomic Dental Chairs: Enhancing Comfort and Productivity for Dentists

Dentistry is a demanding profession that requires dentists to spend long hours in precise, sometimes awkward positions. The dental chair is the central hub of dental practice, and its ergonomic design plays a critical role in ensuring both patient comfort and dentist well-being. In this article, we will explore the importance of ergonomic dental chairs and how they enhance comfort, productivity, and overall health for dentists.

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surgical assistants guide to dental microscope

The Surgical Assistant’s Guide to Microscope Dentistry

So, your practice recently purchased or is now considering a dental microscope. As a surgical assistant, this could be a revolution in how you and your surgeon diagnose, create treatment plans, conduct procedures, review post-op and even more. Plus, it could improve your communication during operations, as you both now have the ability to see into the oral cavity at the same time, at higher magnification levels.

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digital dental integration of dental microscope

Digital Integration of Dental Microscopes: Enhancing Visualization, Documentation, and Communication

Dental practitioners use microscopes for their ability to magnify and illuminate the oral cavity, allowing them to perform intricate procedures with enhanced precision. By incorporating digital imaging systems into these microscopes, practitioners can also capture and store high-resolution images and videos of the treatment area. This digital integration enhances both the process of performing procedures and the subsequent stages of documentation and communication.

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ent microscopes

How Are ENT Microscopes Used in Otolaryngology?

Microscopes play a significant role in otolaryngology (ENT) by providing enhanced visualization, magnification, and illumination during various diagnostic and surgical procedures. Otolaryngologists are becoming more familiar with the benefits and advantages of using a microscope in their practice, particularly when compared to loupes or even unmagnified vision.

For more on the topic of transitioning from loupes to a microscope, check out our full guide: Microscope How-Tos – Transitioning from Loupes.

Here are 10 ways ENT microscopes are used in otolaryngology practices:

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