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Sean Ryan

Sean Ryan currently serves as the Eastern Sales Director for Global Surgical. He’s been working with Global microscopes nearly since the foundation of the company, making Global his home since 1997. With over 30 years in the dental industry, Sean’s knowledge runs deep, helping our customers get the best possible experience and driving value.

Top 5 Uses for a Dental Microscope

As a dental professional, you are probably somewhat familiar with dental microscopes – after all, this technology has been around for several decades. In fact, the American Association of Endodontists was an early advocate for microscopy in dentistry back in 1998, when we were starting to build our first generation microscopes.

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features to consider when shopping for dental microscope

Five Features to Consider when Choosing a Dental Microscope

The dental operating microscope has become an essential tool for providing the highest quality of endodontic treatment. General dentistry practices are increasingly adopting surgical microscopes as well for their improvement in clinical precision, vision, illumination, and ergonomics as compared to loupes. Research studies have demonstrated better clinical outcomes when using a dental microscope compared to treatment without vision enhancement or magnification.

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