Dental Microscope Learning Hub

Top 5 Uses for a Dental Microscope

Written by Sean Ryan | January 18, 2023

As a dental professional, you are probably somewhat familiar with dental microscopes – after all, this technology has been around for several decades. In fact, the American Association of Endodontists was an early advocate for microscopy in dentistry back in 1998, when we were starting to build our first generation microscopes.

A lot has changed over the past few decades. Technology has improved and dental microscopes now have much broader application beyond endodontic procedures. When our team is out and about meeting with dentists, we often get asked how a dental microscope can be utilized in a general practice. Well, you’re in luck. Today, we’ll explore the top 5 most common uses for a dental microscope as well as their benefits to your practice.

  1. General Dentistry
  2. Endodontics
  3. Restorative Dentistry
  4. Documentation
  5. Patient Education

General Dentistry

This is the first stop on our list because we see more general practitioners than ever interested in dental microscopes. We attribute this increased popularity to the expanding services offered by GPs. 

With many GPs trained in other dental specialties, there are more practices able to offer additional services to their patients, minimizing their referrals for specialty procedures. Plus, as dental technology becomes more accessible, general dentists are able to take advantage of advanced precision and accuracy to help take on more specialized procedures.

Just like cone beam/CBCT revolutionized dental X-ray imaging, the dental microscope has done the same for magnification in dentistry. By enhancing visibility with magnification up to 20X what the naked eye can see, integrated lighting to reduce shadows, and photo/video recording attachments, training on a dental microscope can help GPs treat patients more effectively.

To help out GPs just getting started with a dental microscope, we wrote a comprehensive guide on the topic. Check out: The Benefits of Dental Microscopes for General Practitioners.

Don’t just take our word on the benefits of a dental microscope for general practitioners, hear from one of our customers. Dr. Glenn van As is a general dentist in North Vancouver. He has been using Global Microscopes in all of his operatories since 1997 and now uses a microscope in 100% of his procedures.

Endodontic Procedures

It’s widely accepted that any clinician performing endodontic procedures greatly benefits from the use of magnification. After all, root canals can be extremely small. While some dentists opt for loupes, many are finding out that microscopes provide much improved visualization and ergonomics (if you’re interested in a full comparison of these two devices, we invite you to check out this article comparing loupes vs dental microscopes).

Finding hidden and accessory canals, locating and removing separated instruments and preserving more tooth structure are a few examples of how magnification provides an assist during endodontic procedures.

Check out The Benefits of Dental Microscopes in Endodontics for a full comprehensive list of procedural benefits to endodontics.

So, when it comes to endodontics, dental microscopes give practitioners the essentials to be successful: magnification and ergonomics.

Restorative Dentistry

Did you know that a dental microscope can greatly aid your restorative workflow?

The magnification of a dental microscope helps provide detailed images of the oral tissue, teeth, and gums during your restorative prep. During the restoration, a microscope can:  

  • Increase precision of crown margin preparation
  • Aid in inspection of marginal fit of restorations
  • Facilitate finishing and polishing of margins
  • Help ensure that all excess cement has been removed
  • Minimizes the “iffy” diagnosis

If you currently use magnification in your practice using loupes, you could also expect ergonomic benefits to the way you perform dental work. Once you are trained on how to properly configure your microscope, you can sit completely upright, focusing all of your movements on just the fine motor functions of your forearms and hands.


Dental professionals across the globe are using video and photographs in their practices to record treatments, with a microscope being a great option for simple case documentation. 

Microscopes offer video and still photo functionality (typically as an add-on module) giving you the ability to record and document procedures on the fly without stopping to switch devices. Most microscope models have the ability to integrate with digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) cameras and HD video sources. 

Beyond case documentation, the video/photo functionality of your microscope is useful for submitting insurance reimbursements, adding video to clinical cases/lectures and patient education. 

Patient Education

Alluded to when we were talking about documentation, one of the most effective ways microscopes are used in dentistry is as a patient education tool. The reason we say “most effective” is because this boosts your bottom line as a dental practice. 

With greater documentation prepared by a camera attachment, you’ll be able to build a stronger, more compelling case file to use for educational purposes. Patient education leads to greater treatment acceptance, helping you work more cases and increase your revenue.

Visualization in a high level of magnification helps ensure you’re capturing all the details when providing a diagnosis. Precision is key to diagnosis as well as planning treatment options. And, when effectively communicated to your patients, maximizes the benefit of using a dental microscope.

Questions? Reach Out!

If you’re considering adding a microscope to your practice or you just want to learn more about utilizing a dental microscope, we are here to help! We’ve been helping dental practices for over 25 years see the benefits of high magnification through a dental microscope.

We’re proud to be based in the US, with manufacturing and assembly facilities in St. Louis, MO. This helps us give our customers the best service, domestically and internationally. And, as part of our commitment to our customers, we offer a limited lifetime warranty on our scopes (US & Canada customers only).

Please feel free to reach out at 800-861-3585 or by clicking the button below.