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Todd Lester

Todd Lester currently serves as the Vice President of Sales for Global Surgical. He’s been helping dental practices for over 25 years, connecting them with the technology and equipment that drives their practice. Since starting with Global, Todd has helped doctors get started, add value, and expand their practice with dental microscopes.

cost of dental microscope

How Much Does a Dental Microscope Cost?

When dentists and dental specialists speak with us about investing in a dental microscope for their practice, the conversation invariably turns to cost. After all, you want your purchase to be the best value for your money. And, it’s important that you’re getting all of the details regarding included features, warranty, and accessories in order to make an apples-to-apples comparison of the different brands and models available. 

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dental microscope for periodontists

Benefits of Dental Microscopes for Periodontists

More periodontists are realizing the visual enhancement and ergonomic benefits of using a dental operating microscope for Periodontal Microsurgery. Use of a microscope and microsurgical instrumentation (including instruments typically used for ophthalmic surgery) allows for surgical accuracy that is unparalleled to what is possible with conventional techniques.

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