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AAE 2023 Chicago: Annual Meeting Recap

Written by Team Global | May 16, 2023

The American Association of Endodontists (AAE) is a professional organization that represents over 8,000 endodontists in the United States. Founded in 1943, the AAE is dedicated to advancing the field of endodontics and promoting the highest standards of patient care. Every year (including virtual and in-person conferences), the AAE hosts their Annual Meeting in a key location around the US and Americas.

This year, the AAE hosted its Annual Meeting in Chicago, known internationally for their famed restaurants, museums, a jaw-dropping waterfront, groundbreaking music, Tony Award-winning theatres, iconic architecture designed by legendary architects, over 300 parks and green spaces, and 77 vibrant, ethnically diverse neighborhoods that are the heart and soul of Chicago.

We’ve exhibited at AAE for over two decades, and this year’s show was another great opportunity to meet endodontic professionals from residents to staff, first year doctors to retirees, and everything in between!

About the AAE Annual Meeting

The AAE Annual Meeting is a highly anticipated event for endodontic professionals in the United States and around the world. The meeting provides a unique opportunity for endodontists to learn from industry leaders, network with peers, and stay up-to-date with the latest advances in the field.

The AAE Annual Meeting typically takes place in the spring and attracts thousands of endodontic professionals from around the world. The meeting features a variety of educational sessions, hands-on workshops, and presentations from leading experts in the field.

Some of the highlights of the AAE Annual Meeting include:

  1. Continuing Education: The AAE Annual Meeting offers a wide range of continuing education opportunities for endodontic professionals. The meeting typically features lectures and presentations from experts in the field, as well as hands-on workshops and small group sessions.This year, you may have been able to find Global microscopes used in two hands-on workshops. Workshop attendees were able to earn 6 CE credits for either course, led by some of the industry’s most influential speakers.
    • “Guided Piezosurgery: The Next Evolution in Endodontic Root-end Procedures Workshop” was lead by speakers:Mohamed Fayad, D.D.S., M.S., Ph.D. – University of Illinois at ChicagoStephen  P. Niemczyk, D.MD – Founder, Endodontic Microsurgical Innovations
    • “Microsuturing and Microsurgical Soft Tissue Management in Endodontics Workshop” was lead by speakers:Ali Fakhry, D.M.D., M.S., FRCD(C) – Private PracticeStephen  P. Niemczyk, D.MD – Founder, Endodontic Microsurgical Innovations
  2. Scientific Research: The AAE Annual Meeting provides a platform for endodontic professionals to share their research findings and present their latest work. The meeting features a poster presentation session where attendees can learn about the latest research in the field.
  3. Networking: The AAE Annual Meeting is a great opportunity for endodontic professionals to connect with peers and build relationships with industry leaders. Attendees can attend social events, meet with vendors, and participate in networking opportunities throughout the meeting.
  4. Exhibits: The AAE Annual Meeting features a large exhibit hall where attendees can explore the latest products and technologies in the field. The exhibit hall typically includes vendors from a wide range of companies and organizations, offering attendees the opportunity to learn about new products and services.
  5. Awards and Recognition: The AAE Annual Meeting provides an opportunity for the organization to recognize outstanding achievements in the field of endodontics. The meeting features a variety of awards and honors, including the AAE Distinguished Service Award, the AAE Edgar D. Coolidge Award, and the AAE Research Award.

Overall, the AAE Annual Meeting is an essential event for endodontic professionals. The meeting provides a platform for education, networking, and recognition in the field of endodontics, and is an excellent opportunity for endodontists to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in the field.

More about the AAE

Endodontics is a specialized branch of dentistry that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of dental pulp and root canal problems. Endodontists are specially trained to perform root canal therapy, a common dental procedure that involves removing infected or damaged tissue from inside the tooth and filling the space with a biocompatible material.

The AAE plays a crucial role in supporting endodontic professionals and advancing the field of endodontics. Here are some of the ways that the AAE supports its members and promotes excellence in endodontics:

  1. Professional Development: The AAE provides a range of resources and educational opportunities to help endodontic professionals stay up-to-date with the latest advances in the field. These resources include online courses, webinars, conferences, and publications such as the Journal of Endodontics, which is the premier scientific journal in the field.
  2. Advocacy: The AAE advocates for the interests of endodontic professionals at the state and federal level. The organization works with policymakers to promote policies that support the practice of endodontics and ensure that patients have access to high-quality endodontic care.
  3. Research: The AAE supports research in the field of endodontics through grants and awards. The organization also maintains a research database that allows endodontic professionals to stay up-to-date with the latest research findings in the field.
  4. Patient Education: The AAE provides a range of resources for patients who are considering endodontic treatment. These resources include information on what to expect during a root canal procedure, how to find a qualified endodontist, and tips for maintaining good oral health.
  5. Collaboration: The AAE collaborates with other dental organizations and healthcare providers to promote the integration of endodontics into comprehensive patient care. By working with other healthcare professionals, the AAE helps ensure that patients receive the highest quality care possible.

In addition to these initiatives, the AAE also provides support and networking opportunities for its members. Through its online community, members can connect with other endodontic professionals, share knowledge and experiences, and collaborate on research projects.

Overall, the AAE is an essential organization for endodontic professionals and patients alike. By promoting excellence in the field of endodontics, advocating for patient care, and supporting the professional development of its members, the AAE plays a critical role in advancing the practice of endodontics and improving the lives of patients.

See you next year in Los Angeles?

Attending the AAE Annual Meeting is a great way to get connected with other endodontic professionals as well as see the trends heading for our industry. Attendees who stopped by the Global Surgical booth also got show special pricing on Global microscopes and a hands-on demo with a variety of different scope options, including 3, 4, and 6-step A-Series microscopes with and without accessories such as camera/monitor attachments.

Next year’s show is one you won’t want to miss! Don’t forget to stop by and say hi to your friends at Global Surgical. Follow us on Facebook to see where we’ll be next year, as well as upcoming domestic and international shows and events!